Glas – Museum for Glas Art
Glas, formerly Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, is a cultural gem on Jutland's coast. It boasts a rich collection of glass art from the 1970s onward, a scenic garden, and a glassblowing studio where world-renowned artists come to practice their craft.
The Challenge
Despite its unique allure, Glas faced a challenge: its existing brand platform fell short in capturing and conveying the museum's essence. It needed a vibrant new brand identity that would not only encapsulate Glas' unique offering, but also entice a broader and more international audience.
The Solution
Glass embodies the idea of contrast – hot yet cold, fluid yet solid, historically rich and strikingly modern. Embracing these dichotomies and showing glass from new and unexpected perspectives became central to our rebranding efforts. We also wanted to challenge the common perception that glass art belongs uniquely to the world of craft, and help elevate it to its just value – as a unique form of fine art.
In alignment with this vision, we made a bold decision: refining the museum's name to ”Glas.” This contemporary renaming goes beyond mere aesthetics. It highlights the museum’s unique dedication to glass as an artistic medium, and also strategically enhances its unique positioning within the art and culture scene.